Source: lib/util/stream_utils.js

 * @license
 * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.



 * @namespace shaka.util.StreamUtils
 * @summary A set of utility functions for dealing with Streams and Manifests.

 * In case of multiple usable codecs, choose one based on lowest average
 * bandwidth and filter out the rest.
 * Also filters out variants that have too many audio channels.
 * @param {!shaka.extern.Manifest} manifest
 * @param {number} preferredAudioChannelCount
shaka.util.StreamUtils.chooseCodecsAndFilterManifest = function(
    manifest, preferredAudioChannelCount) {
  const StreamUtils = shaka.util.StreamUtils;

  // Collect a list of variants for all periods.
  /** @type {!Array.<shaka.extern.Variant>} */
  let variants = manifest.periods.reduce(
      (variants, period) => variants.concat(period.variants), []);

  // To start, consider a subset of variants based on audio channel
  // preferences.
  // For some content (#1013), surround-sound variants will use a different
  // codec than stereo variants, so it is important to choose codecs **after**
  // considering the audio channel config.
  variants = StreamUtils.filterVariantsByAudioChannelCount(
      variants, preferredAudioChannelCount);

  // Now organize variants into buckets by codecs.
  /** @type {!shaka.util.MultiMap.<shaka.extern.Variant>} */
  let variantsByCodecs = StreamUtils.getVariantsByCodecs_(variants);
  variantsByCodecs = StreamUtils.filterVariantsByDensity_(variantsByCodecs);

  const bestCodecs = StreamUtils.findBestCodecs_(variantsByCodecs);

  // Filter out any variants that don't match, forcing AbrManager to choose
  // from the most efficient variants possible.
  for (const period of manifest.periods) {
    period.variants = period.variants.filter((variant) => {
      const codecs = StreamUtils.getGroupVariantCodecs_(variant);
      if (codecs == bestCodecs) {
        return true;

      shaka.log.debug('Dropping Variant (better codec available)', variant);
      return false;

 * Get variants by codecs.
 * @param {!Array<shaka.extern.Variant>} variants
 * @return {!shaka.util.MultiMap.<shaka.extern.Variant>}
 * @private
shaka.util.StreamUtils.getVariantsByCodecs_ = function(variants) {
  const variantsByCodecs = new shaka.util.MultiMap();
  for (const variant of variants) {
    const group = shaka.util.StreamUtils.getGroupVariantCodecs_(variant);
    variantsByCodecs.push(group, variant);
  return variantsByCodecs;

 * Filters variants by density.
 * @param {!shaka.util.MultiMap.<shaka.extern.Variant>} variantsByCodecs
 * @return {!shaka.util.MultiMap.<shaka.extern.Variant>}
 * @private
shaka.util.StreamUtils.filterVariantsByDensity_ = function(variantsByCodecs) {
  let maxDensity = 0;
  const codecGroupsByDensity = new Map();
  const countCodecs = variantsByCodecs.size();

  variantsByCodecs.forEach((codecs, variants) => {
    for (const variant of variants) {
      const video =;
      if (!video || !video.width || !video.height) {

      const density = video.width * video.height * (video.frameRate || 1);
      if (!codecGroupsByDensity.has(density)) {
        codecGroupsByDensity.set(density, new shaka.util.MultiMap());

      /** @type {!shaka.util.MultiMap.<shaka.extern.Variant>} */
      const group = codecGroupsByDensity.get(density);
      group.push(codecs, variant);

      // We want to look at the groups in which all codecs are present.
      // Take the max density from those groups where all codecs are present.
      // Later, we will compare bandwidth numbers only within this group.
      // Effectively, only the bandwidth differences in the highest-res and
      // highest-framerate content will matter in choosing a codec.
      if (group.size() === countCodecs) {
        maxDensity = Math.max(maxDensity, density);

  return maxDensity ? codecGroupsByDensity.get(maxDensity) : variantsByCodecs;

 * Find the lowest-bandwidth (best) codecs.
 * Compute the average bandwidth for each group of variants.
 * @param {!shaka.util.MultiMap.<shaka.extern.Variant>} variantsByCodecs
 * @return {string}
 * @private
shaka.util.StreamUtils.findBestCodecs_ = function(variantsByCodecs) {
  let bestCodecs = '';
  let lowestAverageBandwidth = Infinity;

  variantsByCodecs.forEach((codecs, variants) => {
    let sum = 0;
    let num = 0;
    for (const variant of variants) {
      sum += variant.bandwidth || 0;

    const averageBandwidth = sum / num;
    shaka.log.debug('codecs', codecs, 'avg bandwidth', averageBandwidth);

    if (averageBandwidth < lowestAverageBandwidth) {
      bestCodecs = codecs;
      lowestAverageBandwidth = averageBandwidth;

  goog.asserts.assert(bestCodecs !== '', 'Should have chosen codecs!');
      'Bandwidth should be a number!');

  return bestCodecs;

 * Get a string representing all codecs used in a variant.
 * @param {!shaka.extern.Variant} variant
 * @return {string}
 * @private
shaka.util.StreamUtils.getGroupVariantCodecs_ = function(variant) {
  // Only consider the base of the codec string.  For example, these should
  // both be considered the same codec: avc1.42c01e, avc1.4d401f
  let baseVideoCodec = '';
  if ( {
    baseVideoCodec = shaka.util.MimeUtils.getCodecBase(;

  let baseAudioCodec = '';
  if ( {
    baseAudioCodec = shaka.util.MimeUtils.getCodecBase(;

  return baseVideoCodec + '-' + baseAudioCodec;

 * @param {shaka.extern.Variant} variant
 * @param {shaka.extern.Restrictions} restrictions
 *   Configured restrictions from the user.
 * @param {{width: number, height: number}} maxHwRes
 *   The maximum resolution the hardware can handle.
 *   This is applied separately from user restrictions because the setting
 *   should not be easily replaced by the user's configuration.
 * @return {boolean}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.meetsRestrictions = function(
    variant, restrictions, maxHwRes) {
  /** @type {function(number, number, number):boolean} */
  const inRange = (x, min, max) => {
    return x >= min && x <= max;

  const video =;

  // |video.width| and |video.height| can be undefined, which breaks
  // the math, so make sure they are there first.
  if (video && video.width && video.height) {
    if (!inRange(video.width,
                 Math.min(restrictions.maxWidth, maxHwRes.width))) {
      return false;

    if (!inRange(video.height,
                 Math.min(restrictions.maxHeight, maxHwRes.height))) {
      return false;

    if (!inRange(video.width * video.height,
                 restrictions.maxPixels)) {
      return false;

  // || can be undefined, which breaks the math, so make
  // sure they are there first.
  if (variant && && {
    if (!inRange(,
                 restrictions.maxFrameRate)) {
      return false;

  if (!inRange(variant.bandwidth,
               restrictions.maxBandwidth)) {
    return false;

  return true;

 * @param {!Array.<shaka.extern.Variant>} variants
 * @param {shaka.extern.Restrictions} restrictions
 * @param {{width: number, height: number}} maxHwRes
 * @return {boolean} Whether the tracks changed.
shaka.util.StreamUtils.applyRestrictions =
    function(variants, restrictions, maxHwRes) {
  let tracksChanged = false;

  variants.forEach((variant) => {
    let originalAllowed = variant.allowedByApplication;
    variant.allowedByApplication = shaka.util.StreamUtils.meetsRestrictions(
        variant, restrictions, maxHwRes);

    if (originalAllowed != variant.allowedByApplication) {
      tracksChanged = true;

  return tracksChanged;

 * Alters the given Period to filter out any unplayable streams.
 * @param {} drmEngine
 * @param {?shaka.extern.Stream} activeAudio
 * @param {?shaka.extern.Stream} activeVideo
 * @param {shaka.extern.Period} period
shaka.util.StreamUtils.filterNewPeriod = function(
    drmEngine, activeAudio, activeVideo, period) {
  const StreamUtils = shaka.util.StreamUtils;

  if (activeAudio) {
                        'Audio streams must have the audio type.');

  if (activeVideo) {
                        'Video streams must have the video type.');

  // Filter variants.
  period.variants = period.variants.filter((variant) => {
    if (drmEngine && drmEngine.initialized()) {
      if (!drmEngine.supportsVariant(variant)) {
        shaka.log.debug('Dropping variant - not compatible with key system',
        return false;

    const audio =;
    const video =;

    if (audio && ! {
      shaka.log.debug('Dropping variant - audio not compatible with platform',
      return false;

    if (video && ! {
      shaka.log.debug('Dropping variant - video not compatible with platform',
      return false;

    // See:
    if (shaka.util.Platform.isXboxOne() && video &&
        ((video.width && video.width > 1920) ||
        (video.height && video.height > 1080)) &&
        video.codecs.includes('avc1.')) {
      shaka.log.debug('Dropping variant - video not compatible with platform',
      return false;

    if (audio && activeAudio) {
      if (!StreamUtils.areStreamsCompatible_(audio, activeAudio)) {
        shaka.log.debug('Droping variant - not compatible with active audio',
                        'active audio',
        return false;

    if (video && activeVideo) {
      if (!StreamUtils.areStreamsCompatible_(video, activeVideo)) {
        shaka.log.debug('Droping variant - not compatible with active video',
                        'active video',
        return false;

    return true;

  // Filter text streams.
  period.textStreams = period.textStreams.filter(function(stream) {
    let fullMimeType = shaka.util.MimeUtils.getFullType(
        stream.mimeType, stream.codecs);
    let keep = shaka.text.TextEngine.isTypeSupported(fullMimeType);

    if (!keep) {
      shaka.log.debug('Dropping text stream. Is not supported by the ' +
                      'platform.', stream);

    return keep;

 * @param {shaka.extern.Stream} s0
 * @param {shaka.extern.Stream} s1
 * @return {boolean}
 * @private
shaka.util.StreamUtils.areStreamsCompatible_ = function(s0, s1) {
  // Basic mime types and basic codecs need to match.
  // For example, we can't adapt between WebM and MP4,
  // nor can we adapt between mp4a.* to ec-3.
  // We can switch between text types on the fly,
  // so don't run this check on text.
  if (s0.mimeType != s1.mimeType) {
    return false;

  if (s0.codecs.split('.')[0] != s1.codecs.split('.')[0]) {
    return false;

  return true;

 * @param {shaka.extern.Variant} variant
 * @return {shaka.extern.Track}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.variantToTrack = function(variant) {
  /** @type {?shaka.extern.Stream} */
  let audio =;
  /** @type {?shaka.extern.Stream} */
  let video =;

  /** @type {?string} */
  let audioCodec = audio ? audio.codecs : null;
  /** @type {?string} */
  let videoCodec = video ? video.codecs : null;

  /** @type {!Array.<string>} */
  let codecs = [];
  if (videoCodec) codecs.push(videoCodec);
  if (audioCodec) codecs.push(audioCodec);

  /** @type {!Array.<string>} */
  let mimeTypes = [];
  if (video) mimeTypes.push(video.mimeType);
  if (audio) mimeTypes.push(audio.mimeType);
  /** @type {?string} */
  let mimeType = mimeTypes[0] || null;

  /** @type {!Array.<string>} */
  let kinds = [];
  if (audio) kinds.push(audio.kind);
  if (video) kinds.push(video.kind);
  /** @type {?string} */
  let kind = kinds[0] || null;

  /** @type {!Set.<string>} */
  const roles = new Set();
  if (audio) audio.roles.forEach((role) => roles.add(role));
  if (video) video.roles.forEach((role) => roles.add(role));

  /** @type {shaka.extern.Track} */
  let track = {
    active: false,
    type: 'variant',
    bandwidth: variant.bandwidth,
    language: variant.language,
    label: null,
    kind: kind,
    width: null,
    height: null,
    frameRate: null,
    pixelAspectRatio: null,
    mimeType: mimeType,
    codecs: codecs.join(', '),
    audioCodec: audioCodec,
    videoCodec: videoCodec,
    primary: variant.primary,
    roles: Array.from(roles),
    audioRoles: null,
    videoId: null,
    audioId: null,
    channelsCount: null,
      audioSamplingRate: null,
    audioBandwidth: null,
    videoBandwidth: null,
    originalVideoId: null,
    originalAudioId: null,
    originalTextId: null,

  if (video) {
    track.videoId =;
    track.originalVideoId = video.originalId;
    track.width = video.width || null;
    track.height = video.height || null;
    track.frameRate = video.frameRate || null;
    track.pixelAspectRatio = video.pixelAspectRatio || null;
    track.videoBandwidth = video.bandwidth || null;

  if (audio) {
    track.audioId =;
    track.originalAudioId = audio.originalId;
    track.channelsCount = audio.channelsCount;
      track.audioSamplingRate = audio.audioSamplingRate;
    track.audioBandwidth = audio.bandwidth || null;
    track.label = audio.label;
    track.audioRoles = audio.roles;

  return track;

 * @param {shaka.extern.Stream} stream
 * @return {shaka.extern.Track}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.textStreamToTrack = function(stream) {
  const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;

  /** @type {shaka.extern.Track} */
  let track = {
    active: false,
    type: ContentType.TEXT,
    bandwidth: 0,
    language: stream.language,
    label: stream.label,
    kind: stream.kind || null,
    width: null,
    height: null,
    frameRate: null,
    pixelAspectRatio: null,
    mimeType: stream.mimeType,
    codecs: stream.codecs || null,
    audioCodec: null,
    videoCodec: null,
    primary: stream.primary,
    roles: stream.roles,
    audioRoles: null,
    videoId: null,
    audioId: null,
    channelsCount: null,
      audioSamplingRate: null,
    audioBandwidth: null,
    videoBandwidth: null,
    originalVideoId: null,
    originalAudioId: null,
    originalTextId: stream.originalId,

  return track;

 * Generate and return an ID for this track, since the ID field is optional.
 * @param {TextTrack|AudioTrack} html5Track
 * @return {number} The generated ID.
shaka.util.StreamUtils.html5TrackId = function(html5Track) {
  if (!html5Track['__shaka_id']) {
    html5Track['__shaka_id'] = shaka.util.StreamUtils.nextTrackId_++;
  return html5Track['__shaka_id'];

/** @private {number} */
shaka.util.StreamUtils.nextTrackId_ = 0;

 * @param {TextTrack} textTrack
 * @return {shaka.extern.Track}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.html5TextTrackToTrack = function(textTrack) {
  const StreamUtils = shaka.util.StreamUtils;

  /** @type {shaka.extern.Track} */
  const track = StreamUtils.html5TrackToGenericShakaTrack_(textTrack); = textTrack.mode != 'disabled';
  track.type = 'text';
  track.originalTextId =;
  if (textTrack.kind == 'captions') {
    track.mimeType = CLOSED_CAPTION_MIMETYPE;
  if (textTrack.kind) {
    track.roles = [textTrack.kind];

  return track;

 * @param {AudioTrack} audioTrack
 * @return {shaka.extern.Track}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.html5AudioTrackToTrack = function(audioTrack) {
  const StreamUtils = shaka.util.StreamUtils;

  /** @type {shaka.extern.Track} */
  const track = StreamUtils.html5TrackToGenericShakaTrack_(audioTrack); = audioTrack.enabled;
  track.type = 'variant';
  track.originalAudioId =;

  if (audioTrack.kind == 'main') {
    track.primary = true;
  if (audioTrack.kind) {
    track.roles = [audioTrack.kind];
    track.audioRoles = [audioTrack.kind];

  return track;

 * Creates a Track object with non-type specific fields filled out.  The caller
 * is responsible for completing the Track object with any type-specific
 * information (audio or text).
 * @param {TextTrack|AudioTrack} html5Track
 * @return {shaka.extern.Track}
 * @private
shaka.util.StreamUtils.html5TrackToGenericShakaTrack_ = function(html5Track) {
  /** @type {shaka.extern.Track} */
  const track = {
    id: shaka.util.StreamUtils.html5TrackId(html5Track),
    active: false,
    type: '',
    bandwidth: 0,
    language: shaka.util.LanguageUtils.normalize(html5Track.language),
    label: html5Track.label,
    kind: html5Track.kind,
    width: null,
    height: null,
    frameRate: null,
    pixelAspectRatio: null,
    mimeType: null,
    codecs: null,
    audioCodec: null,
    videoCodec: null,
    primary: false,
    roles: [],
    audioRoles: null,
    videoId: null,
    audioId: null,
    channelsCount: null,
      audioSamplingRate: null,
    audioBandwidth: null,
    videoBandwidth: null,
    originalVideoId: null,
    originalAudioId: null,
    originalTextId: null,

  return track;

 * Determines if the given variant is playable.
 * @param {!shaka.extern.Variant} variant
 * @return {boolean}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.isPlayable = function(variant) {
  return variant.allowedByApplication && variant.allowedByKeySystem;

 * Filters out unplayable variants.
 * @param {!Array.<!shaka.extern.Variant>} variants
 * @return {!Array.<!shaka.extern.Variant>}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.getPlayableVariants = function(variants) {
  return variants.filter(function(variant) {
    return shaka.util.StreamUtils.isPlayable(variant);

 * Filters variants according to the given audio channel count config.
 * @param {!Array.<shaka.extern.Variant>} variants
 * @param {number} preferredAudioChannelCount
 * @return {!Array.<!shaka.extern.Variant>}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.filterVariantsByAudioChannelCount = function(
    variants, preferredAudioChannelCount) {
  // Group variants by their audio channel counts.
  const variantsWithChannelCounts =
      variants.filter((v) => &&;

  /** @type {!Map.<number, !Array.<shaka.extern.Variant>>} */
  const variantsByChannelCount = new Map();
  for (const variant of variantsWithChannelCounts) {
    const count =;
    goog.asserts.assert(count != null, 'Must have count after filtering!');
    if (!variantsByChannelCount.has(count)) {
      variantsByChannelCount.set(count, []);

  /** @type {!Array.<number>} */
  const channelCounts = Array.from(variantsByChannelCount.keys());

  // If no variant has audio channel count info, return the original variants.
  if (channelCounts.length == 0) {
    return variants;

  // Choose the variants with the largest number of audio channels less than or
  // equal to the configured number of audio channels.
  const countLessThanOrEqualtoConfig =
      channelCounts.filter((count) => count <= preferredAudioChannelCount);
  if (countLessThanOrEqualtoConfig.length) {
    return variantsByChannelCount.get(Math.max.apply(null,

  // If all variants have more audio channels than the config, choose the
  // variants with the fewest audio channels.
  return variantsByChannelCount.get(Math.min.apply(null, channelCounts));

 * Chooses streams according to the given config.
 * @param {!Array.<shaka.extern.Stream>} streams
 * @param {string} preferredLanguage
 * @param {string} preferredRole
 * @return {!Array.<!shaka.extern.Stream>}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.filterStreamsByLanguageAndRole = function(
    streams, preferredLanguage, preferredRole) {
  const LanguageUtils = shaka.util.LanguageUtils;

  /** @type {!Array.<!shaka.extern.Stream>} */
  let chosen = streams;

  // Start with the set of primary streams.
  /** @type {!Array.<!shaka.extern.Stream>} */
  let primary = streams.filter(function(stream) {
    return stream.primary;

  if (primary.length) {
    chosen = primary;

  // Now reduce the set to one language.  This covers both arbitrary language
  // choice and the reduction of the "primary" stream set to one language.
  let firstLanguage = chosen.length ? chosen[0].language : '';
  chosen = chosen.filter(function(stream) {
    return stream.language == firstLanguage;

  // Find the streams that best match our language preference. This will
  // override previous selections.
  if (preferredLanguage) {
    const closestLocale = LanguageUtils.findClosestLocale(
        LanguageUtils.normalize(preferredLanguage), => stream.language));

    // Only replace |chosen| if we found a locale that is close to our
    // preference.
    if (closestLocale) {
      chosen = streams.filter((stream) => {
        const locale = LanguageUtils.normalize(stream.language);
        return locale == closestLocale;

  // Now refine the choice based on role preference.
  if (preferredRole) {
    let roleMatches = shaka.util.StreamUtils.filterTextStreamsByRole_(
        chosen, preferredRole);
    if (roleMatches.length) {
      return roleMatches;
    } else {
      shaka.log.warning('No exact match for the text role could be found.');
  } else {
    // Prefer text streams with no roles, if they exist.
    let noRoleMatches = chosen.filter(function(stream) {
      return stream.roles.length == 0;
    if (noRoleMatches.length) {
      return noRoleMatches;

  // Either there was no role preference, or it could not be satisfied.
  // Choose an arbitrary role, if there are any, and filter out any other roles.
  // This ensures we never adapt between roles.

  let allRoles = {
    return stream.roles;
  }).reduce(shaka.util.Functional.collapseArrays, []);

  if (!allRoles.length) {
    return chosen;
  return shaka.util.StreamUtils.filterTextStreamsByRole_(chosen, allRoles[0]);

 * Filter text Streams by role.
 * @param {!Array.<shaka.extern.Stream>} textStreams
 * @param {string} preferredRole
 * @return {!Array.<shaka.extern.Stream>}
 * @private
shaka.util.StreamUtils.filterTextStreamsByRole_ =
    function(textStreams, preferredRole) {
  return textStreams.filter(function(stream) {
    return stream.roles.includes(preferredRole);

 * Finds a Variant with given audio and video streams.
 * Returns null if no such Variant was found.
 * @param {?shaka.extern.Stream} audio
 * @param {?shaka.extern.Stream} video
 * @param {!Array.<!shaka.extern.Variant>} variants
 * @return {?shaka.extern.Variant}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.getVariantByStreams = function(audio, video, variants) {
  if (audio) {
        'Audio streams must have the audio type.');

  if (video) {
        'Video streams must have the video type.');

  for (let i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) {
    if (variants[i].audio == audio && variants[i].video == video) {
      return variants[i];

  return null;

 * Checks if the given stream is an audio stream.
 * @param {shaka.extern.Stream} stream
 * @return {boolean}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.isAudio = function(stream) {
  const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
  return stream.type == ContentType.AUDIO;

 * Checks if the given stream is a video stream.
 * @param {shaka.extern.Stream} stream
 * @return {boolean}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.isVideo = function(stream) {
  const ContentType = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils.ContentType;
  return stream.type == ContentType.VIDEO;

 * Get all non-null streams in the variant as an array.
 * @param {shaka.extern.Variant} variant
 * @return {!Array.<shaka.extern.Stream>}
shaka.util.StreamUtils.getVariantStreams = function(variant) {
  const streams = [];

  if ( { streams.push(; }
  if ( { streams.push(; }

  return streams;

 * @param {shaka.extern.Stream} stream
 * @return {string}
 * @private
shaka.util.StreamUtils.getStreamSummaryString_ = function(stream) {
  if (shaka.util.StreamUtils.isAudio(stream)) {
    return 'type=audio' +
           ' codecs=' + stream.codecs +
           ' bandwidth='+ stream.bandwidth +
           ' channelsCount=' + stream.channelsCount +
           ' audioSamplingRate=' + stream.audioSamplingRate;

  if (shaka.util.StreamUtils.isVideo(stream)) {
    return 'type=video' +
           ' codecs=' + stream.codecs +
           ' bandwidth=' + stream.bandwidth +
           ' frameRate=' + stream.frameRate +
           ' width=' + stream.width +
           ' height=' + stream.height;

  return 'unexpected stream type';