* @license
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @constructor
* @implements {shaka.extern.TextParser}
* @export
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser = function() {};
* @const {string}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.parameterNs_ = 'http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#parameter';
* @const {string}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.styleNs_ = 'http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling';
* @override
* @export
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.prototype.parseInit = function(data) {
goog.asserts.assert(false, 'TTML does not have init segments');
* @override
* @export
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.prototype.parseMedia = function(data, time) {
const TtmlTextParser = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser;
const XmlUtils = shaka.util.XmlUtils;
const ttpNs = TtmlTextParser.parameterNs_;
const ttsNs = TtmlTextParser.styleNs_;
let str = shaka.util.StringUtils.fromUTF8(data);
let ret = [];
let parser = new DOMParser();
let xml = null;
// dont try to parse empty string as
// DOMParser will not throw error but return an errored xml
if (str == '') {
return ret;
try {
xml = parser.parseFromString(str, 'text/xml');
} catch (exception) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
'Failed to parse TTML.');
if (xml) {
const parserError = xml.getElementsByTagName('parsererror')[0];
if (parserError) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
// Try to get the framerate, subFrameRate and frameRateMultiplier
// if applicable
let frameRate = null;
let subFrameRate = null;
let frameRateMultiplier = null;
let tickRate = null;
let spaceStyle = null;
let extent = null;
let tts = xml.getElementsByTagName('tt');
let tt = tts[0];
// TTML should always have tt element.
if (!tt) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
'TTML does not contain <tt> tag.');
} else {
frameRate = XmlUtils.getAttributeNS(tt, ttpNs, 'frameRate');
subFrameRate = XmlUtils.getAttributeNS(tt, ttpNs, 'subFrameRate');
frameRateMultiplier =
XmlUtils.getAttributeNS(tt, ttpNs, 'frameRateMultiplier');
tickRate = XmlUtils.getAttributeNS(tt, ttpNs, 'tickRate');
spaceStyle = tt.getAttribute('xml:space') || 'default';
extent = XmlUtils.getAttributeNS(tt, ttsNs, 'extent');
if (spaceStyle != 'default' && spaceStyle != 'preserve') {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
'Invalid xml:space value: ' + spaceStyle);
let whitespaceTrim = spaceStyle == 'default';
let rateInfo = new TtmlTextParser.RateInfo_(
frameRate, subFrameRate, frameRateMultiplier, tickRate);
const metadataElements = TtmlTextParser.getLeafNodes_(
let styles = TtmlTextParser.getLeafNodes_(
let regionElements = TtmlTextParser.getLeafNodes_(
let cueRegions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < regionElements.length; i++) {
let cueRegion = TtmlTextParser.parseCueRegion_(
regionElements[i], styles, extent);
if (cueRegion) {
const textNodes = TtmlTextParser.getLeafCues_(
for (const node of textNodes) {
const cue = TtmlTextParser.parseCue_(
node, time.periodStart, rateInfo, metadataElements, styles,
regionElements, cueRegions, whitespaceTrim, false);
if (cue) {
return ret;
* @const
* @private {!RegExp}
* @example 50.17% 10%
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.percentValues_ =
/^(\d{1,2}(?:\.\d+)?|100(?:\.0+)?)% (\d{1,2}(?:\.\d+)?|100(?:\.0+)?)%$/;
* @const
* @private {!RegExp}
* @example 100px
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.unitValues_ = /^(\d+px|\d+em)$/;
* @const
* @private {!RegExp}
* @example 100px
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.pixelValues_ = /^(\d+)px (\d+)px$/;
* @const
* @private {!RegExp}
* @example 00:00:40:07 (7 frames) or 00:00:40:07.1 (7 frames, 1 subframe)
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.timeColonFormatFrames_ =
* @const
* @private {!RegExp}
* @example 00:00:40 or 00:40
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.timeColonFormat_ = /^(?:(\d{2,}):)?(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/;
* @const
* @private {!RegExp}
* @example 01:02:43.0345555 or 02:43.03
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.timeColonFormatMilliseconds_ =
* @const
* @private {!RegExp}
* @example 75f or 75.5f
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.timeFramesFormat_ = /^(\d*(?:\.\d*)?)f$/;
* @const
* @private {!RegExp}
* @example 50t or 50.5t
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.timeTickFormat_ = /^(\d*(?:\.\d*)?)t$/;
* @const
* @private {!RegExp}
* @example 3.45h, 3m or 4.20s
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.timeHMSFormat_ =
new RegExp(['^(?:(\\d*(?:\\.\\d*)?)h)?',
* @const
* @private {!Object.<string, shaka.text.Cue.lineAlign>}
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.textAlignToLineAlign_ = {
'left': shaka.text.Cue.lineAlign.START,
'center': shaka.text.Cue.lineAlign.CENTER,
'right': shaka.text.Cue.lineAlign.END,
'start': shaka.text.Cue.lineAlign.START,
'end': shaka.text.Cue.lineAlign.END,
* @const
* @private {!Object.<string, shaka.text.Cue.positionAlign>}
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.textAlignToPositionAlign_ = {
'left': shaka.text.Cue.positionAlign.LEFT,
'center': shaka.text.Cue.positionAlign.CENTER,
'right': shaka.text.Cue.positionAlign.RIGHT,
* Gets the leaf nodes of the xml node tree. Ignores the text, br elements
* and the spans positioned inside paragraphs
* @param {Element} element
* @return {!Array.<!Element>}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getLeafNodes_ = function(element) {
let result = [];
if (!element) {
return result;
for (const node of element.childNodes) {
if (
node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
node.nodeName !== 'br'
) {
// Get the leaves the child might contain.
goog.asserts.assert(node instanceof Element,
'Node should be Element!');
const leafChildren = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getLeafNodes_(
/** @type {Element} */(node));
goog.asserts.assert(leafChildren.length > 0,
'Only a null Element should return no leaves!');
result = result.concat(leafChildren);
// if no result at this point, the element itself must be a leaf.
if (!result.length) {
return result;
* Get the leaf nodes that can act as cues
* (at least begin attribute)
* @param {Element} element
* @return {!Array.<!Element>}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getLeafCues_ = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return [];
let ret = [];
// Recursively find any child elements that have a 'begin' attribute.
for (const child of element.childNodes) {
if (child instanceof Element) {
if (child.hasAttribute('begin')) {
} else {
ret = ret.concat(shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getLeafCues_(child));
return ret;
* Trims and removes multiple spaces from a string
* @param {Element} element
* @param {boolean} whitespaceTrim
* @return {string}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.sanitizeTextContent = function(
element, whitespaceTrim) {
let payload = '';
for (const node of element.childNodes) {
if (node.nodeName == 'br' && element.childNodes[0] !== node) {
payload += '\n';
} else if (node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length > 0) {
payload += shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.sanitizeTextContent(
/** @type {!Element} */ (node),
} else if (whitespaceTrim) {
// Trim leading and trailing whitespace.
let trimmed = node.textContent.trim();
// Collapse multiple spaces into one.
trimmed = trimmed.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
payload += trimmed;
} else {
payload += node.textContent;
return payload;
* Parses an Element into a TextTrackCue or VTTCue.
* @param {!Element} cueElement
* @param {number} offset
* @param {!shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.RateInfo_} rateInfo
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} metadataElements
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} styles
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} regionElements
* @param {!Array.<!shaka.text.CueRegion>} cueRegions
* @param {boolean} whitespaceTrim
* @param {boolean} isNested
* @return {shaka.text.Cue}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.parseCue_ = function(
cueElement, offset, rateInfo, metadataElements, styles, regionElements,
cueRegions, whitespaceTrim, isNested) {
if (isNested && cueElement.nodeName == 'br') {
const cue = new shaka.text.Cue(0, 0, '');
cue.spacer = true;
return cue;
const isTextContentEmpty = /^[\s\n]*$/.test(cueElement.textContent);
const hasNoTimeAttributes = cueElement.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
!cueElement.hasAttribute('begin') &&
if (
cueElement.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE ||
/* Disregards empty elements without time attributes nor content
* <p begin="..." smpte:backgroundImage="..." /> will go through,
* as some information could be holded by its attributes
* <p />, <div></div> won't,
* as they don't have means to be displayed into a playback sequence
(hasNoTimeAttributes && isTextContentEmpty) ||
* Let nested cue without time attributes through:
* time attributes are holded by its parent
(hasNoTimeAttributes && !isNested)
) {
return null;
const spaceStyle = cueElement.getAttribute('xml:space') ||
(whitespaceTrim ? 'default' : 'preserve');
const localWhitespaceTrim = spaceStyle == 'default';
// Get time.
let start = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.parseTime_(
cueElement.getAttribute('begin'), rateInfo);
let end = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.parseTime_(
cueElement.getAttribute('end'), rateInfo);
let duration = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.parseTime_(
cueElement.getAttribute('dur'), rateInfo);
if (end == null && duration != null) {
end = start + duration;
if (!isNested && (start == null || end == null)) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
if (isNested && start == null) {
start = 0;
} else {
start += offset;
if (isNested && end == null) {
end = 0;
} else {
end += offset;
let payload = '';
const nestedCues = [];
// If one of the children is a text node with something other than whitespace
// in it, stop going down and write the payload.
if (
(childNode) => childNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE &&
) {
payload = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.sanitizeTextContent(
} else {
for (const childNode of cueElement.childNodes) {
const nestedCue = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.parseCue_(
/** @type {!Element} */ (childNode),
/* isNested */ true);
if (nestedCue) {
// Set the start time and end time for the nested cues.
nestedCue.startTime = nestedCue.startTime || start;
nestedCue.endTime = nestedCue.endTime || end;
const cue = new shaka.text.Cue(start, end, payload);
cue.nestedCues = nestedCues;
// Get other properties if available.
const regionElement = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getElementsFromCollection_(
cueElement, 'region', regionElements, /* prefix= */ '')[0];
if (regionElement && regionElement.getAttribute('xml:id')) {
const regionId = regionElement.getAttribute('xml:id');
cue.region = cueRegions.filter((region) => region.id == regionId)[0];
const imageElement = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getElementsFromCollection_(
cueElement, 'backgroundImage', metadataElements, '#',
return cue;
* Parses an Element into a TextTrackCue or VTTCue.
* @param {!Element} regionElement
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} styles Defined in the top of tt element and
* used principally for images.
* @param {?string} globalExtent
* @return {shaka.text.CueRegion}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.parseCueRegion_ = function(regionElement, styles,
globalExtent) {
const TtmlTextParser = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser;
let region = new shaka.text.CueRegion();
let id = regionElement.getAttribute('xml:id');
if (!id) {
shaka.log.warning('TtmlTextParser parser encountered a region with ' +
'no id. Region will be ignored.');
return null;
region.id = id;
let globalResults = null;
if (globalExtent) {
globalResults = TtmlTextParser.percentValues_.exec(globalExtent) ||
const globalWidth = globalResults ? Number(globalResults[1]) : null;
const globalHeight = globalResults ? Number(globalResults[2]) : null;
let results = null;
let percentage = null;
let extent = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttributeFromRegion_(
regionElement, styles, 'extent');
if (extent) {
percentage = TtmlTextParser.percentValues_.exec(extent);
results = percentage || TtmlTextParser.pixelValues_.exec(extent);
if (results != null) {
if (globalWidth != null) {
region.width = Number(results[1]) * 100 / globalWidth;
} else {
region.width = Number(results[1]);
if (globalHeight != null) {
region.height = Number(results[2]) * 100 / globalHeight;
} else {
region.height = Number(results[2]);
region.widthUnits = percentage || globalWidth != null ?
shaka.text.CueRegion.units.PERCENTAGE :
region.heightUnits = percentage || globalHeight != null ?
shaka.text.CueRegion.units.PERCENTAGE :
let origin = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttributeFromRegion_(
regionElement, styles, 'origin');
if (origin) {
percentage = TtmlTextParser.percentValues_.exec(origin);
results = percentage || TtmlTextParser.pixelValues_.exec(origin);
if (results != null) {
if (globalWidth != null) {
region.viewportAnchorX = Number(results[1]) * 100 / globalWidth;
} else {
region.viewportAnchorX = Number(results[1]);
if (globalHeight != null) {
region.viewportAnchorY = Number(results[2]) * 100 / globalHeight;
} else {
region.viewportAnchorY = Number(results[2]);
region.viewportAnchorUnits = percentage || globalWidth != null ?
shaka.text.CueRegion.units.PERCENTAGE :
return region;
* Adds applicable style properties to a cue.
* @param {!shaka.text.Cue} cue
* @param {!Element} cueElement
* @param {Element} region
* @param {Element} imageElement
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} styles
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.addStyle_ = function(
cue, cueElement, region, imageElement, styles) {
const TtmlTextParser = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser;
const Cue = shaka.text.Cue;
let direction = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, region, styles, 'direction');
if (direction == 'rtl') {
cue.direction = Cue.direction.HORIZONTAL_RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
// Direction attribute specifies one-dimentional writing direction
// (left to right or right to left). Writing mode specifies that
// plus whether text is vertical or horizontal.
// They should not contradict each other. If they do, we give
// preference to writing mode.
let writingMode = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, region, styles, 'writingMode');
// Set cue's direction if the text is horizontal, and cue's writingMode if
// it's vertical.
if (writingMode == 'tb' || writingMode == 'tblr') {
cue.writingMode = Cue.writingMode.VERTICAL_LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
} else if (writingMode == 'tbrl') {
cue.writingMode = Cue.writingMode.VERTICAL_RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
} else if (writingMode == 'rltb' || writingMode == 'rl') {
cue.direction = Cue.direction.HORIZONTAL_RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
} else if (writingMode) {
cue.direction = Cue.direction.HORIZONTAL_LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
let align = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, region, styles, 'textAlign');
if (align) {
cue.positionAlign = TtmlTextParser.textAlignToPositionAlign_[align];
cue.lineAlign = TtmlTextParser.textAlignToLineAlign_[align];
goog.asserts.assert(align.toUpperCase() in Cue.textAlign,
align.toUpperCase() +
' Should be in Cue.textAlign values!');
cue.textAlign = Cue.textAlign[align.toUpperCase()];
} else {
// Default value is START: https://bit.ly/32OGmvo
cue.textAlign = Cue.textAlign.START;
let displayAlign = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, region, styles, 'displayAlign');
if (displayAlign) {
goog.asserts.assert(displayAlign.toUpperCase() in Cue.displayAlign,
displayAlign.toUpperCase() +
' Should be in Cue.displayAlign values!');
cue.displayAlign = Cue.displayAlign[displayAlign.toUpperCase()];
let color = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, region, styles, 'color');
if (color) {
cue.color = color;
let backgroundColor = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, region, styles, 'backgroundColor');
if (backgroundColor) {
cue.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
let fontFamily = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, region, styles, 'fontFamily');
if (fontFamily) {
cue.fontFamily = fontFamily;
let fontWeight = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, region, styles, 'fontWeight');
if (fontWeight && fontWeight == 'bold') {
cue.fontWeight = Cue.fontWeight.BOLD;
let wrapOption = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, region, styles, 'wrapOption');
if (wrapOption && wrapOption == 'noWrap') {
cue.wrapLine = false;
let lineHeight = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, region, styles, 'lineHeight');
if (lineHeight && lineHeight.match(TtmlTextParser.unitValues_)) {
cue.lineHeight = lineHeight;
let fontSize = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, region, styles, 'fontSize');
if (fontSize && fontSize.match(TtmlTextParser.unitValues_)) {
cue.fontSize = fontSize;
let fontStyle = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, region, styles, 'fontStyle');
if (fontStyle) {
goog.asserts.assert(fontStyle.toUpperCase() in Cue.fontStyle,
fontStyle.toUpperCase() +
' Should be in Cue.fontStyle values!');
cue.fontStyle = Cue.fontStyle[fontStyle.toUpperCase()];
if (imageElement) {
// According to the spec, we should use imageType (camelCase), but
// historically we have checked for imagetype (lowercase).
// This was the case since background image support was first introduced
// in PR #1859, in April 2019, and first released in v2.5.0.
// Now we check for both, although only imageType (camelCase) is to spec.
const backgroundImageType =
imageElement.getAttribute('imageType') ||
const backgroundImageEncoding = imageElement.getAttribute('encoding');
const backgroundImageData = imageElement.textContent.trim();
if (backgroundImageType == 'PNG' &&
backgroundImageEncoding == 'Base64' &&
backgroundImageData) {
cue.backgroundImage = 'data:image/png;base64,' + backgroundImageData;
// Text decoration is an array of values which can come both from the
// element's style or be inherited from elements' parent nodes. All of those
// values should be applied as long as they don't contradict each other. If
// they do, elements' own style gets preference.
let textDecorationRegion = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttributeFromRegion_(
region, styles, 'textDecoration');
if (textDecorationRegion) {
TtmlTextParser.addTextDecoration_(cue, textDecorationRegion);
let textDecorationElement = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttributeFromElement_(
cueElement, styles, 'textDecoration');
if (textDecorationElement) {
TtmlTextParser.addTextDecoration_(cue, textDecorationElement);
* Parses text decoration values and adds/removes them to/from the cue.
* @param {!shaka.text.Cue} cue
* @param {string} decoration
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.addTextDecoration_ = function(cue, decoration) {
const Cue = shaka.text.Cue;
let values = decoration.split(' ');
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
switch (values[i]) {
case 'underline':
if (!cue.textDecoration.includes(Cue.textDecoration.UNDERLINE)) {
case 'noUnderline':
if (cue.textDecoration.includes(Cue.textDecoration.UNDERLINE)) {
case 'lineThrough':
if (!cue.textDecoration.includes(Cue.textDecoration.LINE_THROUGH)) {
case 'noLineThrough':
if (cue.textDecoration.includes(Cue.textDecoration.LINE_THROUGH)) {
case 'overline':
if (!cue.textDecoration.includes(Cue.textDecoration.OVERLINE)) {
case 'noOverline':
if (cue.textDecoration.includes(Cue.textDecoration.OVERLINE)) {
* Finds a specified attribute on either the original cue element or its
* associated region and returns the value if the attribute was found.
* @param {!Element} cueElement
* @param {Element} region
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} styles
* @param {string} attribute
* @return {?string}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttribute_ = function(
cueElement, region, styles, attribute) {
// An attribute can be specified on region level or in a styling block
// associated with the region or original element.
const TtmlTextParser = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser;
let attr = TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttributeFromElement_(
cueElement, styles, attribute);
if (attr) {
return attr;
return TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttributeFromRegion_(
region, styles, attribute);
* Finds a specified attribute on the element's associated region
* and returns the value if the attribute was found.
* @param {Element} region
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} styles
* @param {string} attribute
* @return {?string}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttributeFromRegion_ = function(
region, styles, attribute) {
const XmlUtils = shaka.util.XmlUtils;
const ttsNs = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.styleNs_;
if (!region) {
return null;
let regionChildren = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getLeafNodes_(region);
for (let i = 0; i < regionChildren.length; i++) {
let attr = XmlUtils.getAttributeNS(regionChildren[i], ttsNs, attribute);
if (attr) {
return attr;
return shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getInheritedStyleAttribute_(
region, styles, attribute);
* Finds a specified attribute on the cue element and returns the value
* if the attribute was found.
* @param {!Element} cueElement
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} styles
* @param {string} attribute
* @return {?string}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getStyleAttributeFromElement_ = function(
cueElement, styles, attribute) {
const XmlUtils = shaka.util.XmlUtils;
const ttsNs = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.styleNs_;
// Styling on elements should take precedence
// over the main styling attributes
const elementAttribute = XmlUtils.getAttributeNS(
if (elementAttribute) {
return elementAttribute;
return shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getInheritedStyleAttribute_(
cueElement, styles, attribute);
* Finds a specified attribute on an element's styles and the styles those
* styles inherit from.
* @param {!Element} element
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} styles
* @param {string} attribute
* @return {?string}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getInheritedStyleAttribute_ = function(
element, styles, attribute) {
const XmlUtils = shaka.util.XmlUtils;
const ttsNs = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.styleNs_;
const inheritedStyles = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getElementsFromCollection_(
element, 'style', styles, /* prefix= */ '');
let styleValue = null;
// The last value in our styles stack takes the precedence over the others
for (let i = 0; i < inheritedStyles.length; i++) {
let styleAttributeValue = XmlUtils.getAttributeNS(
if (!styleAttributeValue) {
// Styles can inherit from other styles, so traverse up that chain.
styleAttributeValue =
inheritedStyles[i], styles, attribute);
if (styleAttributeValue) {
styleValue = styleAttributeValue;
return styleValue;
* Selects items from |collection| whose id matches |attributeName|
* from |element|.
* @param {Element} element
* @param {string} attributeName
* @param {!Array.<Element>} collection
* @param {string} prefixName
* @param {string=} nsName
* @return {!Array.<!Element>}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getElementsFromCollection_ = function(
element, attributeName, collection, prefixName, nsName) {
const items = [];
if (!element || collection.length < 1) {
return items;
const attributeValue = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getInheritedAttribute_(
element, attributeName, nsName);
if (attributeValue) {
// There could be multiple items in one attribute
// <span style="style1 style2">A cue</span>
const itemNames = attributeValue.split(' ');
for (const name of itemNames) {
for (const item of collection) {
if ((prefixName + item.getAttribute('xml:id')) == name) {
return items;
* Traverses upwards from a given node until a given attribute is found.
* @param {!Element} element
* @param {string} attributeName
* @param {string=} nsName
* @return {?string}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.getInheritedAttribute_ = function(
element, attributeName, nsName) {
let ret = null;
const XmlUtils = shaka.util.XmlUtils;
while (element) {
ret = nsName ? XmlUtils.getAttributeNS(element, nsName, attributeName)
: element.getAttribute(attributeName);
if (ret) {
// Element.parentNode can lead to XMLDocument, which is not an Element and
// has no getAttribute().
let parentNode = element.parentNode;
if (parentNode instanceof Element) {
element = parentNode;
} else {
return ret;
* Parses a TTML time from the given word.
* @param {string} text
* @param {!shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.RateInfo_} rateInfo
* @return {?number}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.parseTime_ = function(text, rateInfo) {
let ret = null;
const TtmlTextParser = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser;
if (TtmlTextParser.timeColonFormatFrames_.test(text)) {
ret = TtmlTextParser.parseColonTimeWithFrames_(rateInfo, text);
} else if (TtmlTextParser.timeColonFormat_.test(text)) {
ret = TtmlTextParser.parseTimeFromRegex_(
TtmlTextParser.timeColonFormat_, text);
} else if (TtmlTextParser.timeColonFormatMilliseconds_.test(text)) {
ret = TtmlTextParser.parseTimeFromRegex_(
TtmlTextParser.timeColonFormatMilliseconds_, text);
} else if (TtmlTextParser.timeFramesFormat_.test(text)) {
ret = TtmlTextParser.parseFramesTime_(rateInfo, text);
} else if (TtmlTextParser.timeTickFormat_.test(text)) {
ret = TtmlTextParser.parseTickTime_(rateInfo, text);
} else if (TtmlTextParser.timeHMSFormat_.test(text)) {
ret = TtmlTextParser.parseTimeFromRegex_(
TtmlTextParser.timeHMSFormat_, text);
return ret;
* Parses a TTML time in frame format.
* @param {!shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.RateInfo_} rateInfo
* @param {string} text
* @return {?number}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.parseFramesTime_ = function(rateInfo, text) {
// 75f or 75.5f
let results = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.timeFramesFormat_.exec(text);
let frames = Number(results[1]);
return frames / rateInfo.frameRate;
* Parses a TTML time in tick format.
* @param {!shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.RateInfo_} rateInfo
* @param {string} text
* @return {?number}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.parseTickTime_ = function(rateInfo, text) {
// 50t or 50.5t
let results = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.timeTickFormat_.exec(text);
let ticks = Number(results[1]);
return ticks / rateInfo.tickRate;
* Parses a TTML colon formatted time containing frames.
* @param {!shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.RateInfo_} rateInfo
* @param {string} text
* @return {?number}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.parseColonTimeWithFrames_ = function(
rateInfo, text) {
// 01:02:43:07 ('07' is frames) or 01:02:43:07.1 (subframes)
let results = shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.timeColonFormatFrames_.exec(text);
let hours = Number(results[1]);
let minutes = Number(results[2]);
let seconds = Number(results[3]);
let frames = Number(results[4]);
let subframes = Number(results[5]) || 0;
frames += subframes / rateInfo.subFrameRate;
seconds += frames / rateInfo.frameRate;
return seconds + (minutes * 60) + (hours * 3600);
* Parses a TTML time with a given regex. Expects regex to be some
* sort of a time-matcher to match hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds
* @param {!RegExp} regex
* @param {string} text
* @return {?number}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.parseTimeFromRegex_ = function(regex, text) {
let results = regex.exec(text);
if (results == null || results[0] == '') {
return null;
// This capture is optional, but will still be in the array as undefined,
// in which case it is 0.
let hours = Number(results[1]) || 0;
let minutes = Number(results[2]) || 0;
let seconds = Number(results[3]) || 0;
let miliseconds = Number(results[4]) || 0;
return (miliseconds / 1000) + seconds + (minutes * 60) + (hours * 3600);
* Contains information about frame/subframe rate
* and frame rate multiplier for time in frame format.
* @example 01:02:03:04(4 frames) or 01:02:03:04.1(4 frames, 1 subframe)
* @param {?string} frameRate
* @param {?string} subFrameRate
* @param {?string} frameRateMultiplier
* @param {?string} tickRate
* @constructor
* @struct
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.RateInfo_ = function(
frameRate, subFrameRate, frameRateMultiplier, tickRate) {
* @type {number}
this.frameRate = Number(frameRate) || 30;
* @type {number}
this.subFrameRate = Number(subFrameRate) || 1;
* @type {number}
this.tickRate = Number(tickRate);
if (this.tickRate == 0) {
if (frameRate) {
this.tickRate = this.frameRate * this.subFrameRate;
} else {
this.tickRate = 1;
if (frameRateMultiplier) {
const multiplierResults = /^(\d+) (\d+)$/g.exec(frameRateMultiplier);
if (multiplierResults) {
const numerator = Number(multiplierResults[1]);
const denominator = Number(multiplierResults[2]);
const multiplierNum = numerator / denominator;
this.frameRate *= multiplierNum;
* The namespace URL for SMPTE fields.
* @const {string}
* @private
shaka.text.TtmlTextParser.smpteNs_ =