* @license
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @namespace shaka.dash.ContentProtection
* @summary A set of functions for parsing and interpreting ContentProtection
* elements.
* @typedef {{
* defaultKeyId: ?string,
* defaultInit: Array.<shaka.extern.InitDataOverride>,
* drmInfos: !Array.<shaka.extern.DrmInfo>,
* firstRepresentation: boolean
* }}
* @description
* Contains information about the ContentProtection elements found at the
* AdaptationSet level.
* @property {?string} defaultKeyId
* The default key ID to use. This is used by parseKeyIds as a default. This
* can be null to indicate that there is no default.
* @property {Array.<shaka.extern.InitDataOverride>} defaultInit
* The default init data override. This can be null to indicate that there
* is no default.
* @property {!Array.<shaka.extern.DrmInfo>} drmInfos
* The DrmInfo objects.
* @property {boolean} firstRepresentation
* True when first parsed; changed to false after the first call to
* parseKeyIds. This is used to determine if a dummy key-system should be
* overwritten; namely that the first representation can replace the dummy
* from the AdaptationSet.
* @typedef {{
* node: !Element,
* schemeUri: string,
* keyId: ?string,
* init: Array.<shaka.extern.InitDataOverride>
* }}
* @description
* The parsed result of a single ContentProtection element.
* @property {!Element} node
* The ContentProtection XML element.
* @property {string} schemeUri
* The scheme URI.
* @property {?string} keyId
* The default key ID, if present.
* @property {Array.<shaka.extern.InitDataOverride>} init
* The init data, if present. If there is no init data, it will be null. If
* this is non-null, there is at least one element.
* A map of scheme URI to key system name.
* @const {!Map.<string, string>}
* @private
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.defaultKeySystems_ = new Map()
* @const {string}
* @private
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.MP4Protection_ =
* @const {string}
* @private
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.CencNamespaceUri_ = 'urn:mpeg:cenc:2013';
* Parses info from the ContentProtection elements at the AdaptationSet level.
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} elems
* @param {shaka.extern.DashContentProtectionCallback} callback
* @param {boolean} ignoreDrmInfo
* @return {shaka.dash.ContentProtection.Context}
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.parseFromAdaptationSet = function(
elems, callback, ignoreDrmInfo) {
const ContentProtection = shaka.dash.ContentProtection;
const ManifestParserUtils = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils;
let parsed = ContentProtection.parseElements_(elems);
/** @type {Array.<shaka.extern.InitDataOverride>} */
let defaultInit = null;
/** @type {!Array.<shaka.extern.DrmInfo>} */
let drmInfos = [];
let parsedNonCenc = [];
// Get the default key ID; if there are multiple, they must all match.
const keyIds = new Set(parsed.map((element) => element.keyId));
// Remove any possible null value (elements may have no key ids).
if (keyIds.size > 1) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
if (!ignoreDrmInfo) {
// Find the default key ID and init data. Create a new array of all the
// non-CENC elements.
parsedNonCenc = parsed.filter(function(elem) {
if (elem.schemeUri == ContentProtection.MP4Protection_) {
goog.asserts.assert(!elem.init || elem.init.length,
'Init data must be null or non-empty.');
defaultInit = elem.init || defaultInit;
return false;
} else {
return true;
if (parsedNonCenc.length) {
drmInfos = ContentProtection.convertElements_(
defaultInit, callback, parsedNonCenc);
// If there are no drmInfos after parsing, then add a dummy entry.
// This may be removed in parseKeyIds.
if (drmInfos.length == 0) {
drmInfos = [ManifestParserUtils.createDrmInfo('', defaultInit)];
// If there are only CENC element(s) or ignoreDrmInfo flag is set, assume all
// key-systems are supported.
if (parsed.length && (ignoreDrmInfo || !parsedNonCenc.length)) {
drmInfos = [];
const keySystems = ContentProtection.defaultKeySystems_;
for (const keySystem of keySystems.values()) {
// If the manifest doesn't specify any key systems, we shouldn't
// put clearkey in this list. Otherwise, it may be triggered when
// a real key system should be used instead.
if (keySystem != 'org.w3.clearkey') {
const info = ManifestParserUtils.createDrmInfo(keySystem, defaultInit);
// If we have a default key id, apply it to every initData.
const defaultKeyId = Array.from(keyIds)[0] || null;
if (defaultKeyId) {
for (const info of drmInfos) {
for (const initData of info.initData) {
initData.keyId = defaultKeyId;
return {
defaultKeyId: defaultKeyId,
defaultInit: defaultInit,
drmInfos: drmInfos,
firstRepresentation: true,
* Parses the given ContentProtection elements found at the Representation
* level. This may update the |context|.
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} elems
* @param {shaka.extern.DashContentProtectionCallback} callback
* @param {shaka.dash.ContentProtection.Context} context
* @param {boolean} ignoreDrmInfo
* @return {?string} The parsed key ID
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.parseFromRepresentation = function(
elems, callback, context, ignoreDrmInfo) {
const ContentProtection = shaka.dash.ContentProtection;
let repContext = ContentProtection.parseFromAdaptationSet(
elems, callback, ignoreDrmInfo);
if (context.firstRepresentation) {
let asUnknown = context.drmInfos.length == 1 &&
let asUnencrypted = context.drmInfos.length == 0;
let repUnencrypted = repContext.drmInfos.length == 0;
// There are two cases where we need to replace the |drmInfos| in the
// context with those in the Representation:
// 1. The AdaptationSet does not list any ContentProtection.
// 2. The AdaptationSet only lists unknown key-systems.
if (asUnencrypted || (asUnknown && !repUnencrypted)) {
context.drmInfos = repContext.drmInfos;
context.firstRepresentation = false;
} else if (repContext.drmInfos.length > 0) {
// If this is not the first Representation, then we need to remove entries
// from the context that do not appear in this Representation.
context.drmInfos = context.drmInfos.filter(function(asInfo) {
return repContext.drmInfos.some(function(repInfo) {
return repInfo.keySystem == asInfo.keySystem;
// If we have filtered out all key-systems, throw an error.
if (context.drmInfos.length == 0) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
return repContext.defaultKeyId || context.defaultKeyId;
* Gets a Widevine license URL from a content protection element
* containing a custom `ms:laurl` element
* @param {shaka.dash.ContentProtection.Element} element
* @return {string}
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.getWidevineLicenseUrl = function(element) {
const mslaurlNode = shaka.util.XmlUtils.findChildNS(
element.node, 'urn:microsoft', 'laurl');
if (mslaurlNode) {
return mslaurlNode.getAttribute('licenseUrl') || '';
return '';
* @typedef {{
* type: number,
* value: !Uint8Array
* }}
* @description
* The parsed result of a PlayReady object record.
* @property {number} type
* Type of data stored in the record.
* @property {!Uint8Array} value
* Record content.
* Enum for PlayReady record types.
* @enum {number}
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.PLAYREADY_RECORD_TYPES = {
RESERVED: 0x002,
* Parses an Array buffer starting at byteOffset for PlayReady Object Records.
* Each PRO Record is preceded by its PlayReady Record type and length in bytes.
* PlayReady Object Record format: https://goo.gl/FTcu46
* @param {!ArrayBuffer} recordData
* @param {number} byteOffset
* @return {!Array.<shaka.dash.ContentProtection.PlayReadyRecord>}
* @private
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.parseMsProRecords_ = function(
recordData, byteOffset) {
const records = [];
const view = new DataView(recordData);
while (byteOffset < recordData.byteLength - 1) {
const type = view.getUint16(byteOffset, true);
byteOffset += 2;
const byteLength = view.getUint16(byteOffset, true);
byteOffset += 2;
(byteLength & 1) === 0,
'expected byteLength to be an even number');
const recordValue = new Uint8Array(recordData, byteOffset, byteLength);
type: type,
value: recordValue,
byteOffset += byteLength;
return records;
* Parses an ArrayBuffer for PlayReady Objects. The data
* should contain a 32-bit integer indicating the length of
* the PRO in bytes. Following that, a 16-bit integer for
* the number of PlayReady Object Records in the PRO. Lastly,
* a byte array of the PRO Records themselves.
* PlayReady Object format: https://goo.gl/W8yAN4
* @param {!ArrayBuffer} data
* @return {!Array.<shaka.dash.ContentProtection.PlayReadyRecord>}
* @private
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.parseMsPro_ = function(data) {
let byteOffset = 0;
const view = new DataView(data);
// First 4 bytes is the PRO length (DWORD)
const byteLength = view.getUint32(byteOffset, true /* littleEndian */);
byteOffset += 4;
if (byteLength !== data.byteLength) {
// Malformed PRO
shaka.log.warning('PlayReady Object with invalid length encountered.');
return [];
// Skip PRO Record count (WORD)
byteOffset += 2;
// Rest of the data contains the PRO Records
const ContentProtection = shaka.dash.ContentProtection;
return ContentProtection.parseMsProRecords_(data, byteOffset);
* PlayReady Header format: https://goo.gl/dBzxNA
* @param {!Element} xml
* @return {string}
* @private
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.getLaurl_ = function(xml) {
// LA_URL element is optional and no more than one is
// allowed inside the DATA element. Only absolute URLs are allowed.
// If the LA_URL element exists, it must not be empty.
for (const elem of xml.getElementsByTagName('DATA')) {
for (const child of elem.childNodes) {
if (child instanceof Element && child.tagName == 'LA_URL') {
return child.textContent;
// Not found
return '';
* Gets a PlayReady license URL from a content protection element
* containing a PlayReady Header Object
* @param {shaka.dash.ContentProtection.Element} element
* @return {string}
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.getPlayReadyLicenseUrl = function(element) {
const proNode = shaka.util.XmlUtils.findChildNS(
element.node, 'urn:microsoft:playready', 'pro');
if (!proNode) {
return '';
const ContentProtection = shaka.dash.ContentProtection;
const bytes = shaka.util.Uint8ArrayUtils.fromBase64(proNode.textContent);
const records = ContentProtection.parseMsPro_(bytes.buffer);
const record = records.filter((record) => {
if (!record) {
return '';
const xml = shaka.util.StringUtils.fromUTF16(record.value, true);
const rootElement = shaka.util.XmlUtils.parseXmlString(xml, 'WRMHEADER');
if (!rootElement) {
return '';
return ContentProtection.getLaurl_(rootElement);
* Gets a PlayReady initData from a content protection element
* containing a PlayReady Pro Object
* @param {shaka.dash.ContentProtection.Element} element
* @return {?Array.<shaka.extern.InitDataOverride>}
* @private
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.getInitDataFromPro_ = function(element) {
const proNode = shaka.util.XmlUtils.findChildNS(
element.node, 'urn:microsoft:playready', 'pro');
if (!proNode) {
return null;
const Uint8ArrayUtils = shaka.util.Uint8ArrayUtils;
const data = Uint8ArrayUtils.fromBase64(proNode.textContent);
const systemId = new Uint8Array([
0x9a, 0x04, 0xf0, 0x79, 0x98, 0x40, 0x42, 0x86,
0xab, 0x92, 0xe6, 0x5b, 0xe0, 0x88, 0x5f, 0x95,
const pssh = shaka.util.Pssh.createPssh(data, systemId);
return [
initData: pssh,
initDataType: 'cenc',
keyId: element.keyId,
* Creates DrmInfo objects from the given element.
* @param {Array.<shaka.extern.InitDataOverride>} defaultInit
* @param {shaka.extern.DashContentProtectionCallback} callback
* @param {!Array.<shaka.dash.ContentProtection.Element>} elements
* @return {!Array.<shaka.extern.DrmInfo>}
* @private
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.convertElements_ = function(
defaultInit, callback, elements) {
const ContentProtection = shaka.dash.ContentProtection;
const ManifestParserUtils = shaka.util.ManifestParserUtils;
const defaultKeySystems = ContentProtection.defaultKeySystems_;
const licenseUrlParsers = ContentProtection.licenseUrlParsers_;
/** @type {!Array.<shaka.extern.DrmInfo>} */
const out = [];
for (const element of elements) {
const keySystem = defaultKeySystems.get(element.schemeUri);
if (keySystem) {
!element.init || element.init.length,
'Init data must be null or non-empty.');
const proInitData = ContentProtection.getInitDataFromPro_(element);
const initData = element.init || defaultInit || proInitData;
const info = ManifestParserUtils.createDrmInfo(keySystem, initData);
const licenseParser = licenseUrlParsers.get(keySystem);
if (licenseParser) {
info.licenseServerUri = licenseParser(element);
} else {
goog.asserts.assert(callback, 'ContentProtection callback is required');
const infos = callback(element.node) || [];
for (const info of infos) {
return out;
* A map of key system name to license server url parser.
* @const {!Map.<string, function(shaka.dash.ContentProtection.Element)>}
* @private
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.licenseUrlParsers_ = new Map()
* Parses the given ContentProtection elements. If there is an error, it
* removes those elements.
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} elems
* @return {!Array.<shaka.dash.ContentProtection.Element>}
* @private
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.parseElements_ = function(elems) {
/** @type {!Array.<shaka.dash.ContentProtection.Element>} */
const out = [];
for (const elem of elems) {
const parsed = shaka.dash.ContentProtection.parseElement_(elem);
if (parsed) {
return out;
* Parses the given ContentProtection element.
* @param {!Element} elem
* @return {?shaka.dash.ContentProtection.Element}
* @private
shaka.dash.ContentProtection.parseElement_ = function(elem) {
const NS = shaka.dash.ContentProtection.CencNamespaceUri_;
/** @type {?string} */
let schemeUri = elem.getAttribute('schemeIdUri');
/** @type {?string} */
let keyId = shaka.util.XmlUtils.getAttributeNS(elem, NS, 'default_KID');
/** @type {!Array.<string>} */
const psshs = shaka.util.XmlUtils.findChildrenNS(elem, NS, 'pssh')
if (!schemeUri) {
shaka.log.error('Missing required schemeIdUri attribute on',
'ContentProtection element', elem);
return null;
schemeUri = schemeUri.toLowerCase();
if (keyId) {
keyId = keyId.replace(/-/g, '').toLowerCase();
if (keyId.includes(' ')) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
/** @type {!Array.<shaka.extern.InitDataOverride>} */
let init = [];
try {
// Try parsing PSSH data.
init = psshs.map((pssh) => {
return {
initDataType: 'cenc',
initData: shaka.util.Uint8ArrayUtils.fromBase64(pssh),
keyId: null,
} catch (e) {
throw new shaka.util.Error(
return {
node: elem,
schemeUri: schemeUri,
keyId: keyId,
init: (init.length > 0 ? init : null),